Thursday, May 21, 2009

Milan Opening

Thursday 14th of May 2009

Grace Zanotto and Max Papeschi present "Jesus goes to Hollywood" & "Supernatural Inspiration" - Photos of opening reception at Famiglia Margini Gallery

"Supernatural Inspiration"
Group show with:
Perzan victory, Gaetano Muratore, Angelo Cruciani,
Sergio Masala, Dalmazio Luca, Marco Bonafè, Persephone Zubcic
Emanuele Benedetti, Tommaso Garavini, Fabrizio Bellomo and more ....
A Collective transposing the essential conflict between Art and Religion,
at the turn of provocation and reflection, spiritual needs and trends of thought.
Artists from different conceptions which bravely denuded the intimate relationship between the divine
and institutions of which it is a mirror on contemporary society.
Luogo: Milan, Italy